Collages by Ernie Lopez

The artist’s intent is that the pieces be viewed starting with Panel 1 and finishing with Panel 4.  The design is to create the opportunity of a dialogue concerning these topics.  A few questions have been created to stimulate a dialogue:  

  • What is your first overall impression?

  • What is your general impression from each piece? 

  • Is there anything that connects the progression of collages? What was it?

  • Were you drawn to any particular piece in any of the panels? What was it and why?


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panel 1: We the people

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Panel 3: welcome all

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Panel 2: a house divided

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PANEL 4: still trying

ARTIST NOTE: Lest someone be left with the impression that I am bashing our nation and our people; Fear Not.

Our history is filled with stories and lives from America’s traditions of ingenuity, resourcefulness and innovation. My purpose is to inspire people to learn from our past so that we can shape a better future.  I love my country but my country would never allow fellow Americans to suffer the injustice and dehumanization that so many experience today.  Are we willing to painfully acknowledge the sins of the past and demonstrate our exceptionalism through actions rather than the traditional words and prayers?