

by Jerry Leggett & Friends

This online collection features original songs from Jerry’s extensive travels spanning five decades, all fifty U.S. states and four continents.

It includes his latest tune, “Be a Hero Now” along with selections from his studio recordings, "Heart to Heart, Hand to Hand," "Songs to End the Silent War," "The Way of Peace," , and "Peace Is Looking for You."

It concludes with an inclusive language version of the peace anthem, “Let There Be Peace on Earth” from the recording “The Way of Peace” album produced by Don Ross while Jerry lived in Fairbanks, Alaska.

A few of the selections are DEMO versions that have literally been recorded on Jerry’s iPhone or iMac computer. This includes: “Be Kind to Yourself,” “Peace Wheels,” and “Be Now.”

More than 100,000 copies of Jerry Leggett’s recording have been sold/distributed worldwide.

Production Note: These 16 tracks have not be mastered so the volume levels vary and the listener will need to adjust the volume depending on the song.