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Located at the Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 8690 Yankee Street (Washington Township), Dayton, Ohio 45458. Phone: 937-436-3628

The shortest distance between two people is a story.
— Patti Digh

Journey with us as we explore the lives of our Peace Heroes … “everyday people who accept risk and succeed in making the world a less violent and more just place.”

On the Peace Heroes Trail, notice these Four Ideals that inform the actions of our heroes:

  1. Recognize Interconnections. 2. Promote Justice. 3. Reject Vengeance 4. Foster Friendship & Reconciliation

begin your virtual Peace Heroes journey NOW!


Click to enlarge. Welcome to our Virtual Peace Heroes Trail!


“Let There Be Peace (Literacy) on Earth” Performed by Jerry Leggett

FIRST STOP: Ida B. Wells

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Peace Hero reflection

by Patsy ferrell

SECOND STOP: Greta Thunberg

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Peace Hero reflection

by Catherine ‘C.Q’ Queener

THIRD STOP: Marshall Walter “Major” Taylor

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Peace Hero reflection

by Maury Wyckoff

FOURTH STOP: Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen

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Peace Hero reflection

by Dr. Don Ngyyuen

FIFTH STOP: Bryan Stevenson

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Peace Hero reflection

by Lynn Buffington

SIXTH STOP: Black Lives Matter


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Peace Hero reflection

by Rev. Kellie Kelly

More Stops Coming Soon!

Listening to the stories of injustice awakens a new justice.
— Rev. Matthew Funke Crary, Borderlands UU, Amado, AZ